
July 21, 2018

On December 26, 2014 I had a ruptured ear drum and then I was admitted into the Emergency Room ICU and for the first three days in the hospital I was unable to be awakened. We were told I had Bacterial Meningitis and was lucky to be alive. On Jan 6, 2015 they released me from the hospital to go home but for 2 weeks of care from a home we had in home nurse care and they also implanted me with a port into my chest with medication to be administered by my husband for those first 2 weeks of home care.

In February I was feeling pretty good but with the exception of constant headaches, and they didn't feel like a regular headaches. I contacted my Dr. and had me have a CT scan. After the scan they had found that I had bleeding in the brain and was admitted in Emergency Room for care for three days and was put on strict bed rest for two weeks.

With Dr visits and recovery to get my weight and strength back it now has been 3 1/2 years and I am finally starting to re-do furniture and making my Applique's and those two things is what I love to do most! We did pu a vintage 1947 Mainline travel trailer and that is currently a work in progress.

During the time of recovery my original website was deleted but I am currently in the process of working on a new website and with this being said when it is up and running I will link it to my blog.

Thank you for visiting!

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